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The apply directive

Create Complex Classes and IDs


You can apply a set of classes to create more complex classes or when you find a repetitive pattern in your code and want to extract it into a new class component.

  • Set any ID, class, or Ti Element.
  • Use any of the default classes.
  • Use arbitrary values.
  • Use any newly defined class in config.js.
  • Set a string of classes or an array of classes.
  • Combine it with any platform, device, or conditional-block properties.

Set Any ID, Class, or Ti Element

// ...
theme: {
extend: {},
Label: {
apply: 'text-base font-bold text-gray-700'
fontWeight: {
bold: 'bold'
fontFamily: {
'saira-condensed': 'SairaCondensed-Regular'
'#carrousel': {
apply: 'w-screen h-auto bg-teal-200 mx-2 my-4 horizontal'
'.my-custom-class': {
apply: 'font-bold border-2 rounded wh-auto my-0.5 font-saira-condensed'
// ...
'Label': { color: '#374151', textColor: '#374151', font: { fontSize: 16, fontWeight: 'bold' } }

/* Custom Classes */
'#carrousel': { backgroundColor: '#99f6e4', height: Ti.UI.SIZE, layout: 'horizontal', right: 8, left: 8, top: 16, bottom: 16, width: Ti.UI.FILL }
'.my-custom-class': { borderRadius: 4, borderWidth: 2, top: 2, bottom: 2, width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, font: { fontFamily: 'SairaCondensed-Regular', fontWeight: 'bold' } }
'.font-saira-condensed': { font: { fontFamily: 'SairaCondensed-Regular' } }
'.font-bold': { font: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }

Use Any of the Default Classes

// ...
theme: {
'.btn': {
apply: 'font-bold border-2 rounded wh-auto my-0.5 font-saira-condensed'
'.btn-primary': {
apply: 'bg-green-500 text-green-100 border-green-200'
// ...
/* Custom Classes */
'.btn': { borderRadius: 4, borderWidth: 2, top: 2, bottom: 2, width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, font: { fontFamily: 'SairaCondensed-Regular', fontWeight: 'bold' } }
'.btn-primary': { backgroundColor: '#22c55e', borderColor: '#bbf7d0', color: '#dcfce7', textColor: '#dcfce7' }

Use Arbitrary Values

You can use Arbitrary Values to define your custom classes.

// ...
theme: {
extend: {},
'.progress': {
apply: 'h-(1rem) horizontal bg-(#e9ecef) text-(.75rem) rounded-(.25rem)'
// ...
/* Custom Classes */
'.progress': { backgroundColor: '#e9ecef', borderRadius: 4, height: 16, layout: 'horizontal', font: { fontSize: 12 } }
// ...

Use Any Newly Defined Class in config.js

In the following example, we are creating corporate color classes so we can use them in the apply directive with bg-corporate-500, text-corporate-100, and border-corporate-200.

// ...
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
// New color values that will generate bg-colors, text-colors, border-colors classes.
corporate: {
100: '#dddfe1', 200: '#babfc4', 500: '#53606b'
'.btn': {
apply: 'wh-auto font-bold border-2 rounded my-0.5'
'.btn-corporate': {
// Newly created classes ( see extend.colors.corporate )
apply: 'bg-corporate-500 text-corporate-100 border-corporate-200'
// ...
/* Custom Classes */
'.btn': { borderRadius: 4, borderWidth: 2, top: 2, bottom: 2, width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, font: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }
'.btn-corporate': { backgroundColor: '#53606b', borderColor: '#babfc4', color: '#dddfe1', textColor: '#dddfe1' }
/* ... */
/* color Property */
'.text-corporate-100': { color: '#dddfe1', textColor: '#dddfe1' }
'.text-corporate-200': { color: '#babfc4', textColor: '#babfc4' }
'.text-corporate-500': { color: '#53606b', textColor: '#53606b' }
/* backgroundColor Property */
'.bg-corporate-100': { backgroundColor: '#dddfe1' }
'.bg-corporate-200': { backgroundColor: '#babfc4' }
'.bg-corporate-500': { backgroundColor: '#53606b' }
/* borderColor Property */
'.border-corporate-100': { borderColor: '#dddfe1' }
'.border-corporate-200': { borderColor: '#babfc4' }
'.border-corporate-500': { borderColor: '#53606b' }
/* And the rest of color properties! */

Set a String of Classes or an Array of Classes

// ...
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
corporate: {
100: '#dddfe1', 200: '#babfc4', 500: '#53606b'
// Use a string of classes
'.btn': {
apply: 'font-bold border-2 rounded wh-auto my-0.5'
// or an array of classes
'.btn-corporate': {
apply: [
// ...
/* Custom Classes */
'.btn': { borderRadius: 4, borderWidth: 2, top: 2, bottom: 2, width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, font: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }
'.btn-corporate': { backgroundColor: '#53606b', borderColor: '#babfc4', color: '#dddfe1', textColor: '#dddfe1' }
/* ... */

Combine with Any Platform, Device, or Conditional-Block Properties

// ...
theme: {
'.btn': {
// Default .btn
apply: 'font-bold border-2 rounded wh-auto my-0.5',

// Specific to iOS devices
ios: {
apply: 'w-screen mx-4'

// Specific to handheld devices
handheld: {
apply: 'h-20'

// Specific to iPhoneX (if Alloy.Global.iPhoneX is set)
'[if=Alloy.Globals.iPhoneX]': {
apply: 'mb-12'
// ...
/* Custom Classes */
'.btn': { borderRadius: 4, borderWidth: 2, top: 2, bottom: 2, width: Ti.UI.SIZE, height: Ti.UI.SIZE, font: { fontWeight: 'bold' } }
'.btn[platform=ios]': { right: 16, left: 16, width: Ti.UI.FILL }
'.btn[formFactor=handheld]': { height: 80 }
'.btn[if=Alloy.Globals.iPhoneX]': { bottom: 48 }
// ...

Platform-Specific Classes

Several classes in tailwind.tss are platform-specific to prevent polluting objects with properties that are not specific to a particular platform.


To properly apply these platform styles when creating custom rules, you must specify the platform variant in the apply directive.

Even if you are not targeting a specific platform, you must specify the platform variant.

module.exports = {
theme: {
'.my-view': {
// Targeting iOS.
'ios': {
'apply': 'bg-green-500 wh-32 ios:clip-enabled'
/* Custom Classes */
'.my-view[platform=ios]': { backgroundColor: '#22c55e', clipMode: Ti.UI.iOS.CLIP_MODE_ENABLED, width: 128, height: 128 }

Omitting the Platform Variant

If you omit the platform variant, PurgeTSS won't be able to determine which platform you are targeting, and the custom class will not have the corresponding property.

module.exports = {
theme: {
// Even if you are not targeting a specific platform, you must specify the platform variant
'.my-view': {
// Missing platform variant in clip-enabled
'apply': 'wh-32 clip-enabled bg-green-500'
/* Omitting the platform variant in `config.js` will not generate the corresponding property. */
/* Missing the property related to `clip-enabled`. */
'.my-view': { backgroundColor: '#22c55e', width: 128, height: 128 }