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Grid System

The grid system is a simple but useful layout tool with utilities to lay out columns and rows.

This is the most basic layout for using the grid system. Of course, you can create a more complex layout by mixing different columns and rows.

<View class='grid'>
<View class="grid-cols-4">
<!-- Remove it if you don't need a gutter between columns (or rows) -->
<View class="gap-1">

<View class="grid-cols-4">
<!-- Remove it if you don't need a gutter between columns (or rows) -->
<View class="gap-1">

Column Grid

.grid-cols-{n} With grid-cols, you are telling the grid system how many columns you want to fit in each row. For example, if you set each view with a .grid-cols-2 class, it will fit two views per row; .grid-cols-3 will fit three views, and so on.

.col-span-{n} With col-span, you are setting the number of columns that each element will occupy in a 12-column grid.

If you set a view with .col-span-3, you can add three more views of equal width to fill the row, or any other combination like 3-6-3, 2-4-6, etc., as long as the sum fills a 12-column grid.

Row Grid

.grid-rows-{n} With grid-rows, you are telling the grid system how many rows you want to fit in each column. For example, if you set each view with a .grid-rows-2 class, it will fit two views per column; .grid-rows-3 will fit three views, and so on.

.row-span-{n} With row-span, you are setting the number of rows that each element will occupy in a 12-row grid.

If you set a view with .row-span-3, you can add three more views of equal height to fill the column, or any other combination like 3-6-3, 2-4-6, etc., as long as the sum fills a 12-row grid.


Available Utilities

These are the available utilities to control ”The Grid” 😉

Gutter Utilities

  • gap-{size}: Use this to change the gap between rows and columns.
  • gap-x-{size} and gap-y-{size}: Use these to change the gap between rows and columns independently.
  • gap-{side}-{size}: Use this to change the gap between rows and columns on a specific side (t=top, r=right, b=bottom, l=left).

Column Span Utilities

  • Use the col-span-{n} utilities to make an element span n columns.

Row Span Utilities

  • Use the row-span-{n} utilities to make an element span n rows.

Direction Utilities

  • grid or grid-flow-col: Use these utilities to set the layout property to horizontal.
  • grid-flow-row: Use this utility to set the layout property to vertical.

Column Utilities

  • grid-cols-{n}: Use this utility to create grids with n equally sized columns.

Row Utilities

  • Use the grid-rows-{n} utilities to create grids with n equally sized rows.

Row Placement Utilities

  • start: Aligns an element to the start of a row.
  • end: Aligns an element to the end of a row.
  • center: Aligns an element to the center of a row.