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The play Method

  • The play method is used to reproduce the animation for a single view or an array of views.
  • You can chain multiple Animation objects with callback functions to create a sequence of animations.

Play Example 1

Create an Animation element and the view you want to animate, and set the desired properties.

<View id="square" class="wh-16 bg-blue-500" />
<Animation module="purgetss.ui" id="myAnimation" class="wh-32 bg-green-500 duration-1000" />

In the controller, pass the element that you want to animate - in this case, the square view.



When the play method is called, the blue square will go from size 64x64 to 128x128 and change its color to green.

Basic Animation

* low framerate gif

open and close Modifiers

You can create more complex animations by combining properties for different states, such as when opening or closing an animation. The open and close modifiers allow you to specify these different states.

Play Example 2

<Window class="keep-screen-on">
<View class="vertical">
<Button class="ios:mt-16 mt-1 w-48 rounded bg-purple-500 text-purple-50" onClick="squaresFn" title="3 Squares" />
<Button class="mt-2 w-48 rounded bg-purple-500 text-purple-50" onClick="toggleFn" title="Toggle Colors" />
<Button class="mt-2 w-48 rounded bg-purple-500 text-purple-50" onClick="retweetFn" title="Toggle Re-Tweet" />

<View id="squaresView" class="vertical mt-10 w-screen">
<View class="wh-28 rounded-xl bg-blue-700" />
<View class="wh-28 mt-4 rounded-xl bg-blue-700" />
<View class="wh-28 mt-4 rounded-xl bg-blue-700" />

<View id="blueSquareView" class="mt-8 h-14 w-14 rounded-xl bg-blue-500" onClick="transparencyFn" />

<View id="retweetView" class="vertical -mb-52 h-48 w-screen rounded-2xl bg-gray-800" onClick="retweetFn">
<View class="bg-slate-700 mt-4 h-1 w-8" />

<View class="horizontal mx-4 mt-4">
<Label class="text-slate-500 fas fa-retweet w-7 text-xl" />
<Label class="ml-2 text-left text-xl text-white" text="Re-Tweet" />

<View class="horizontal mx-4 mt-4">
<Label class="text-slate-500 fas fa-pencil-alt w-7 text-xl" />
<Label class="ml-2 text-left text-xl text-white" text="Quote Tweet" />

<Animation id="changeWidth" class="close:w-28 debug open:w-11/12" module="purgetss.ui" />
<Animation id="changeColor" class="close:bg-blue-700 debug open:bg-purple-500" module="purgetss.ui" />
<Animation id="changeTransparency" class="close:duration-300 open:mt-(null) close:mt-8 open:h-11/12 close:w-14 close:h-14 close:opacity-100 open:w-10/12 open:opacity-50 open:duration-150" module="purgetss.ui" />
<Animation id="changeRetweet" class="close:duration-150 close:-mb-52 open:-mb-16 open:duration-200" module="purgetss.ui" />
function transparencyFn() {

function toggleFn() {

function squaresFn() {

function retweetFn() {


Complex Animations

* low framerate gif

complete Modifier

To apply additional properties after an open animation is finished, use the complete modifier.

Complete Example 1

For example, in the following code, the open animation reduces the children of the letters view to a size of 1%. After completion, the complete modifier will set the background color to green and the scaling back to 100%.

<Window title="App Wordle" class="bg-(#181e2d)">
<View class="vertical">
<View id="letters" class="horizontal">
<Label class="wh-10 mx-1 rounded border-white bg-transparent text-center text-white" text="T" />
<Label class="wh-10 mx-1 rounded border-white bg-transparent text-center text-white" text="I" />
<Label class="wh-10 mx-1 rounded border-white bg-transparent text-center text-white" text="T" />
<Label class="wh-10 mx-1 rounded border-white bg-transparent text-center text-white" text="A" />
<Label class="wh-10 mx-1 rounded border-white bg-transparent text-center text-white" text="N" />
<Label class="wh-10 mx-1 rounded border-white bg-transparent text-center text-white" text="I" />
<Label class="wh-10 mx-1 rounded border-white bg-transparent text-center text-white" text="U" />
<Label class="wh-10 mx-1 rounded border-white bg-transparent text-center text-white" text="M" />

<Button title="Animate" class="mt-8" android:onClick="doAnimate" ios:onSingletap="doAnimate" />
<Button title="Reset" class="mt-4" android:onClick="doReset" ios:onSingletap="doReset" />

<Animation module="purgetss.ui" id="myAnimationReset" class="bg-transparent" />
<Animation module="purgetss.ui" id="myAnimationOpen" class="open:scale-1 complete:bg-(#008800) complete:scale-100" />

function doAnimate() {

function doReset() {

complete example 1