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Welcome to TiKit UI Components

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TiKit is a collection of UI components for Titanium SDK, built on top of Alloy and PurgeTSS.

TiKit Poster


To install it, run the following command in the terminal:

> [sudo] npm install -g tikit

Ensure that you also have PurgeTSS installed:

> [sudo] npm install -g purgetss

Installing the components

Once everything is installed on your machine, create a new Alloy project using PurgeTSS. Ensure that you have the app.idprefix and app.workspace settings configured.

> purgetss create myApp

Next, run tikit install and follow the interactive selection prompt:

> tikit install
? Choose a component to install › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ all components

Available components and their variants


General properties: variant, color, and classes

An alert is designed to display a concise and crucial message, capturing the user's attention without disrupting their ongoing task.

The TiKit Alert Component includes three variants:

  • callout
  • pop
  • solid

Each of these variants comes in six primary colors: success, danger, warning, info, dark, and light.

Additionally, there are two custom colors available for each variant, named primary and secondary.

You can introduce your custom color values using the shades command in PurgeTSS:

> purgetss shades '#hexcode1' primary
> purgetss shades '#hexcode2' secondary

Additional properties: delay, duration, and dismissible

Use the delay property to specify when the alert should appear after a specified time, and the duration property to control the speed of the animation. Both of these properties are measured in milliseconds.

Set the dismissible property to true if you want the alert to close when the user clicks or taps on it.

<Alert module="tikit.ui" variant="pop" color="info" delay="500" dismissible="true" title="Dismissible Alert" text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit..." />


Properties: title and text

This represents a simple alert with a title and a concise description.

callout variant
<Alert module="tikit.ui" variant="callout" color="success" title="Callout variant" text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit..." />

Alerts callout variant


Properties: title, text, and icon

The "pop" variant of alerts is designed to include a predefined icon that highlights the message.

You can employ icon fonts like FontAwesome, Material Icons, or any other icon font of your preference.

Modify the icon by utilizing the icon property, and adjust its size using any of PurgeTSS's font size classes:

pop variant with custom icon
<Alert module="tikit.ui" variant="pop" color="primary" title="Primary Alert with custom Icon" text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit..." icon="mi mi-pending_actions text-3xl" />

Alerts pop variant


Properties: title and icon

The "solid" variant represents a full-width, solid banner that includes a title and a predefined icon.

Similar to the pop variant, you can customize its icon using the icon property and adjust its size by utilizing any of PurgeTSS's font size classes.

solid variant with custom icon
<Alert module="tikit.ui" variant="solid" color="primary" title="Primary Alert with custom Icon" icon="mi mi-pending_actions text-2xl" />

Alerts solid variant


General properties: variant, size, and classes

Avatars are a useful tool for representing people or objects and can serve as visual identifiers for user profiles within your app.

The TiKit Avatar Component offers six variants:

  • chip
  • circular
  • landscape
  • portrait
  • square
  • stacked

Each variant comes in six different sizes: xs, sm, base, lg, xl and 2xl.

Avatar Component
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="chip" size="base" name="John Doe" image="link-to-image.jpg" />


Properties: name and image

The "chip" variant allows you to specify the name of the person and an image to display. You can use a local filesystem path, a remote URL, or a Blob object containing image data.

By default, the colors for the "chip" variant are set to bg-gray-200 and text-gray-500. If you wish to change these colors, you can do so using the classes property, as demonstrated in the example below.

chip variant with custom colors
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="chip" size="base" name="Mr. John Doe" image="" classes="bg-violet-900 text-violet-50" />

Avatars chip variant


Properties: name, image, and border

For the "circular" variant, you can specify the name, image, and whether to display a white border around the image. Set the border property to true to show the white border.

To further customize the border color, you can utilize the classes property.

circular variant with custom colors
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="circular" size="base" border="true" image="" />

Avatars circular variant


Properties: name, image, and border

In the "square" variant, you can define the name, image, and choose whether to display a white border around the image. To enable the white border, set the border property to true.

For additional control over the border color, you can make use of the classes property.

square variant with custom colors
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="square" size="base" border="true" classes="border-violet-900" image="" />

Avatars square variant


Properties: name and image

The "portrait" variant allows you to specify the name and image. To customize the border color, utilize the classes property.

By default, the border color is set to border-gray-500. To change this color, you can make use of the classes property.

portrait variant with custom colors
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="portrait" size="base" classes="border-violet-900" image="" />

Avatars portrait variant


Properties: name and image

The "landscape" variant permits you to define the name and image. If you want to modify the border color, you can do so using the classes property.

By default, the border color is set to border-gray-500. To alter this color, utilize the classes property.

landscape variant with custom colors
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="landscape" size="base" classes="border-violet-900" image="" />

Avatars landscape variant


Properties: title, icon, and last

In the "stacked" variant, you can specify the title, icon, and use the last property to properly adjust the right margin of the last avatar in a stack. Setting last to true for the last avatar ensures the appropriate right margin.

stacked variant
<View class="horizontal">
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="stacked" size="base" image="" />
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="stacked" size="base" image="" />
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="stacked" size="base" image="" />
<Avatar module="tikit.ui" variant="stacked" size="base" last="true" image="" />

Avatars stacked variant


General properties: variant, size, and classes

Buttons are interactive elements that enable users to take actions or make choices.

The TiKit Button Component offers six variants:

  • border
  • border-rounded
  • filled
  • filled-rounded
  • icon-left
  • icon-right

Each variant is available in six different sizes: xs, sm, base, lg, xl and 2xl.

<Button module="tikit.ui" variant="border" size="lg" title="Button Name" />


Property: title

For the "border" variant, you can set the title. To change the color of the title and border, utilize the classes property.

border variant
<Button module="tikit.ui" variant="border" size="base" title="Border" classes="border-violet-900 text-violet-900" />

Buttons border variant


Property: title

In the "border-rounded" variant, you can specify the title. To customize the color of both the title and border, make use of the classes property.

border-rounded variant
<Button module="tikit.ui" variant="border-rounded" size="base" title="Border Rounded" classes="border-violet-900 text-violet-900" />

Buttons border-rounded variant


Property: title

For the "filled" variant, you can set the title. To modify the color of both the title and the background, utilize the classes property.

filled variant
<Button module="tikit.ui" variant="filled" size="base" title="Filled" classes="text-violet-50 bg-violet-900" />

Buttons filled variant


Property: title

In the "filled-rounded" variant, you can specify the title. To customize the color of both the title and background, make use of the classes property.

filled-rounded variant
<Button module="tikit.ui" variant="filled-rounded" size="base" title="Filled Rounded" classes="text-violet-50 bg-violet-900" />

Buttons filled-rounded variant


Properties: title and icon

For the "icon-left" variant, you can set the title and use the icon property to change its icon, color, and size.

Additionally, you can modify the color of the title and background by using the classes property.

icon-left variant
<Button module="tikit.ui" variant="icon-left" size="base" title="Button" icon="fa fa-file text-violet-50" classes="text-violet-50 bg-violet-900" />

Buttons icon-left variant


Properties: title and icon

In the "icon-right" variant, you can specify the title and utilize the icon property to adjust its icon, color, and size.

For further customization, such as changing the color of the title and background, utilize the classes property.

icon-right variant
<Button module="tikit.ui" variant="icon-right" size="base" title="Button" icon="fa fa-file text-violet-50" classes="text-violet-50 bg-violet-900" />

Buttons icon-right variant

Custom Icons

Use any Icon Font Library

You have the flexibility to switch to a different icon from the FontAwesome Icon Library or even opt for a different font vendor. You can achieve this by setting the icon property with the appropriate font and icon classes, like fa fa-file-pdf or mi mi-pending_actions.

Furthermore, you can adjust the icon's size using any of PurgeTSS's font size classes, such as text-lg or text-2xl.

In the following example, we demonstrate the use of the Material Icons font library.

Custom icon and color
<Button module="tikit.ui" variant="icon-left" size="base" icon="mi mi-pending_actions text-2xl text-violet-50" title="Pending Actions" classes="my-4 font-bold bg-violet-900" />

Buttons custom icon and color


General properties: variant, color, and classes

Cards are a valuable tool for grouping and presenting content in a readable manner, often serving as an introduction to more comprehensive information.

The TiKit Card Component offers four variants:

  • code
  • content
  • quote
  • showcase

Each variant is available in four different colors: black, dark, light, and white.

<Card module="tikit.ui" variant="code" color="black" copy="true" title="Card Title" text="Some code or text to display!" />


Properties: title, text, and copy

The "code" variant is specifically designed for displaying small snippets of code.

You can employ the copy property to include a copy button at the top-right corner. The button's title and the alert message are set using Titanium's localization function: L('copy', 'Copy') and L('code_copied', 'Code copied to clipboard!'), respectively. To personalize and translate these strings, add both "copy" and "code_copied" to your app's target languages (e.g., app/i18n/xx/strings.xml).

To enhance the appearance of your code snippets, install a monotype font family of your choice and create a font-mono style in static/purgetss/config.js. In all our examples, we utilize the FiraCode-Light font family.

Cards code variant


Properties: title, text, and image

The "showcase" variant is intended for scenarios where you want to showcase an image alongside a title and a brief description. This variant is particularly useful when you need to present visual content with accompanying information.

showcase variant
<Card module="tikit.ui" variant="showcase" color="black" title="Pocket" text="Mobile app marketing website" image="images/showcase/1.png" />

Cards showcase dark


Properties: name and text

The "quote" variant is designed for situations where you want to display a quotation from someone. This variant allows you to attribute the quote to its source by specifying the name of the person or entity and the text of the quote itself. It's an effective way to showcase quotes within your content.

quote variant
<Card module="tikit.ui" variant="quote" color="black" name="John Doe" text="Quas ullam, quis eius a blanditiis..." />

Cards quote dark


Properties: title, subtitle, and text.

The "content" variant is suitable for presenting a block of text content with the following features:

  • A large title
  • A highlighted subtitle
  • Paragraphs of text

This variant is ideal for displaying textual information where you want to emphasize the title and subtitle while providing detailed content in paragraphs.

content variant
<Card module="tikit.ui" variant="content" color="black" title="content variant, black" subtitle="This is a subtitle" text="Alloy.Globals.lorem" />

Cards content dark


The Tab component provides an instance of Titanium.UI.Tab, featuring a custom icon created using an icon font, such as FontAwesome, Material Icons, or any other font of your preference.

By configuring the title, icon, and activeIcon (iOS only) properties, you can create a Tab component with well-rendered icons.

The icon property combines the icon font name and the icon code, like fa fa-home or mi mi-home.

Tab component
<Tab module="tikit.ui" title="Email" icon="far fa-envelope" activeIcon="fas fa-envelope">
<!-- tab’s-window-content -->

Additional properties

These are standard Titanium.UI.Tab objects, so you can utilize all the properties and methods available for them.

For instance, you can set the active tint and title color for each tab using the activeTintColor and activeTitleColor properties, as demonstrated below:

<Tab module="tikit.ui" class="active-tint-violet-900 active-title-violet-900" title="Tabs" icon="mio mi-security_update_good text-3xl" activeIcon="mit mi-security_update_good text-3xl">
<Require src="sections/tabs" />

Tab Active Tint Violet

Official Icon Fonts in PurgeTSS

To incorporate the free versions of Font Awesome, Material Icons, Material Symbols, or Framework7 Icons into your project, you can use the icon-library command in PurgeTSS:

> purgetss icon-library --vendor=fa,mi,ms,f7

Here's what each vendor abbreviation stands for:

  • fa or fontawesome represents Font Awesome Icons.
  • mi or materialicons stands for Material Icons.
  • ms or materialsymbol corresponds to Material Symbols.
  • f7 or framework7 is used for Framework7 Icons.

Running this command allows you to conveniently copy these icon font libraries into your project for use in your UI components.