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Configuring Guide

By default, PurgeTSS will look for a ./purgetss/config.js file where you can define customizations.

Creating the config.js file


config.js is created automatically when you run purgetss for the first time inside your project.

If you need to start with a fresh config.js file, you can delete the existing one and run:

> purgetss init

This will create a minimal ./purgetss/config.js file:

module.exports = {
purge: {
mode: 'all',
method: 'sync', // How to execute the auto-purging task: sync or async

// These options are passed directly to PurgeTSS
options: {
legacy: false, // Generates & purges tailwind.tss v5.x classes
missing: true, // Reports missing classes
widgets: false, // Purges widgets too
safelist: [], // Array of classes to keep
plugins: [] // Array of properties to ignore
theme: {
extend: {}

Every section of the config file is optional, so you only need to specify what you'd like to change. Any missing sections will fall back to the default configuration.


The config file consists of two main sections: purge and theme.

purge section

The purge section controls how PurgeTSS will remove unused classes or keep the ones you want.

The purge section
module.exports = {
purge: {
mode: 'all',
method: 'sync', // How to execute the auto-purging task: sync or async

// These options are passed through directly to PurgeTSS
options: {
legacy: false, // Generates & purges tailwind.tss v5.x classes
missing: true, // Reports missing classes
widgets: false, // Purges widgets too
safelist: [], // Array of classes to keep
plugins: [] // Array of properties to ignore
  • mode.all

    By default, PurgeTSS will look everywhere inside the XML files, including comments, attributes, classes, IDs, and Ti Elements.

    This mode is necessary if you want PurgeTSS to parse any Ti Elements that you've styled in config.js.

  • mode.method

    The method setting determines how the auto-purge task will be executed: sync (default) or async.

    If you don't see any changes reflected when changing and rebuilding a project with TiKit Components and LiveView, set the compile method to async.

  • mode.class

    Use class to search only in classes and ID attributes in XML files.

  • options.legacy

    Set legacy to true to parse all your files as if you were using PurgeTSS v5. However, you will not get any of the new auto-generated classes when using this setting.

  • options.missing

    Set missing to true if you want to get a list of any missing or misspelled classes at the end of the app.tss file.


    This is very useful if you want to check if you forgot to add a class definition or if you forgot to remove non-existing classes from your views, especially if you have upgraded from PurgeTSS v5 to v6.

  • options.widgets

    Set widgets to true to also parse all the XML files found in the Widgets folder.

  • options.safelist

    The safelist is a list of classes and Ti Elements that you want to keep regardless of the purge mode or whether or not they are included in the XML files.

    If you need to keep a large list of classes and elements, you can create a CommonJS module with an array of all the styles and require it in config.js like this:

    External safelist
    module.exports = {
    purge: {
    options: {
    safelist: require('./safelist') // Array of classes to keep

    You should put the safelist inside the purgetss folder to keep everything organized:

    // ./purgetss/safelist.js
    exports.safelist = [
    // A large list of classes to keep
    // ...
    // ...
    // ...
    // ...
    // ...
  • options.plugins The plugins option lets you completely disable classes that PurgeTSS would normally generate by default if you don’t need them for your project.

    To disable specific classes, provide an array of properties (or plugins) to disable:

    The plugins section
    module.exports = {
    purge: {
    options: {
    plugins: [

theme section

The theme section in config.js is where you define and extend your project's color palette, type scale, font stacks, border radius values, and many more properties.

The theme section
module.exports = {
theme: {
fontFamily: {
display: 'AlfaSlabOne-Regular',
body: 'BarlowSemiCondensed-Regular'
borderWidth: {
0: 0,
2: 2,
4: 4,
extend: {
colors: {
cyan: '#9cdbff',
spacing: {
96: '24rem',
128: '32rem',

Overriding and extending properties

Out of the box, your project will automatically inherit the values from the default theme configuration. If you want to customize it, you have two options depending on your goals.

Overriding properties

To override a default property, add it directly in the theme section.

module.exports = {
theme: {
// Replaces all of the default `opacity` values
opacity: {
15: '0.15',
35: '0.35',
65: '0.65',
85: '0.85'

This will completely replace the original default opacity values with the new ones.


Note that any keys you do not provide will be inherited from the default theme, so in the above example, the default theme configuration for things like colors, spacing, border radius, background position, etc. will be preserved.

Extending properties

If you want to preserve the default values for a theme option but also add new values, add your extensions under the theme.extend key.

For example, if you want to add an extra color but preserve the existing ones, you could extend the colors section:

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
// Adds a new color in addition to the default colors
colors: {
primary: '#002359',

You can, of course, override some parts of the default theme and extend others within the same configuration:

module.exports = {
theme: {
opacity: {
15: '0.15',
35: '0.35',
65: '0.65',
85: '0.85'
extend: {
colors: {
primary: '#002359',

Customizing Colors

Customize the default color palette for your project.

PurgeTSS includes Tailwind's default color palette, but you can customize it by configuring your colors under the colors key in the theme section of your config.js file:

Customizing Colors
module.exports = {
theme: {
colors: {
// Configure your color palette here

Using custom colors

To completely replace the default color palette with your own custom colors, add them directly under the theme.colors section of your configuration file:

Using custom colors
module.exports = {
theme: {
colors: {
transparent: 'transparent',
white: '#ffffff',
purple: '#3f3cbb',
midnight: '#121063',
metal: '#565584',
tahiti: '#3ab7bf',
silver: '#ecebff',
'bubble-gum': '#ff77e9',
bermuda: '#78dcca',

By default, these colors will be available everywhere in the framework where you use colors, such as the text color, border color, background color utilities, and more.

Color object syntax

Colors can be defined as a simple list of key-value pairs or as nested objects. The nested keys are added to the base color name as modifiers.

Color object syntax
module.exports = {
theme: {
colors: {
highlight: '#ffff00',
primary: {
solid: '#002359',
dark: '#000030',
transparent: '#D9002359'
tahiti: {
100: '#cffafe',
200: '#a5f3fc',
300: '#67e8f9',
400: '#22d3ee',
500: '#06b6d4',
600: '#0891b2',
700: '#0e7490',
800: '#155e75',
900: '#164e63',

The nested keys will be combined with the parent key to form class names like bg-tahiti-400 or text-tahiti-400.

Overriding a default color

If you want to override one of the default colors but preserve the rest, simply provide the new values in the theme.extend.colors section of your config.js file.

For example, here we've replaced the default cool grays with a neutral gray palette:

Overriding a default color
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
gray: {
50: '#f7f7f7',
100: '#ededed',
200: '#dfdfdf',
300: '#c8c8c8',
400: '#adadad',
500: '#9e9e9e',
600: '#888888',
700: '#7b7b7b',
800: '#676767',
900: '#545454'

Extending the default palette

If you want to extend the default color palette, you can do so using the theme.extend.colors section of your config.js file.

Extending the default palette
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
'regal-blue': '#243c5a',

This will generate classes like bg-regal-blue in addition to all of Tailwind's default colors.


You can use the shades command to generate a range of shades for a given color, automatically adding them to your config.js file.

For more info see the shades command.

Customizing Spacing

Customize the default spacing and sizing scale for your project.

The spacing section allows you to customize the global spacing and sizing scale values.

Customizing Spacing
module.exports = {
theme: {
spacing: {
1: '8px',
2: '12px',
3: '16px',
4: '24px',
5: '32px',
6: '48px',

By default, the spacing scale is inherited by the padding, margin, width, height, and gap core plugins.

Shared spacing

The spacing section is shared by the padding, margin, width, and height properties.

When you include the spacing section, PurgeTSS will automatically generate all spacing-related properties and merge them with any other spacing-related properties present in the configuration file.

Shared spacing
module.exports = {
theme: {
spacing: {
tight: '0.25rem',
loose: '1.0rem'
width: {
banner: '5rem'
height: {
xl: '3rem',
'1/3': '33.333333%'
/* width Property */
'.w-tight': { width: 4 }
'.w-loose': { width: 16 }
'.w-banner': { width: 80 }

/* height Property */
'.h-tight': { height: 4 }
'.h-loose': { height: 16 }
'.h-xl': { height: 48 }
'.h-1/3': { height: '33.333334%' }

/* Margin */
'.m-tight': { top: 4, right: 4, bottom: 4, left: 4 }
'.m-loose': { top: 16, right: 16, bottom: 16, left: 16 }
'.my-tight': { top: 4, bottom: 4 }
'.my-loose': { top: 16, bottom: 16 }

/* padding Property */
'.p-tight': { padding: { top: 4, right: 4, bottom: 4, left: 4 } }
'.p-loose': { padding: { top: 16, right: 16, bottom: 16, left: 16 } }
'.py-tight': { padding: { top: 4, bottom: 4 } }
'.py-loose': { padding: { top: 16, bottom: 16 } }

/* Rest of inherited properties */

Overriding the default spacing scale

If you want to override the default spacing scale, you can do so using the theme.spacing section of your config.js file:

Overriding the default spacing scale
module.exports = {
theme: {
spacing: {
sm: 8,
md: 12,
lg: 16,
xl: 24,

This will disable the default spacing scale and generate classes like p-sm for padding, m-md for margin, w-lg for width, and h-xl for height instead.

Extending the Default Spacing Scale

If you want to extend the default spacing scale, you can do so using the theme.extend.spacing section of your config.js file:

Extending the default spacing scale
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
spacing: {
72: '18rem',
84: '21rem',
96: '24rem',

This will generate classes like p-72, m-84, and h-96 in addition to all of the default spacing/sizing utilities.

List of Customizable Properties

Global Properties

  • All color properties will inherit from the theme.colors property.
  • All spacing properties will inherit from the theme.spacing property.

You can customize any of the following properties individually by adding them in the theme section of your config.js file, or by extending them in the theme.extend section.

Color properties

  • activeTintColor
  • activeTitleColor
  • backgroundColor
  • backgroundDisabledColor
  • backgroundFocusedColor
  • backgroundGradient
  • backgroundSelectedColor
  • backgroundSelectedGradient
  • badgeColor
  • barColor
  • borderColor
  • color
  • colors
  • contentScrimColor
  • currentPageIndicatorColor
  • dateTimeColor
  • disabledColor
  • highlightedColor
  • hintTextColor
  • iconColor
  • imageTouchFeedbackColor
  • indicatorColor
  • keyboardToolbarColor
  • lightColor
  • navigationIconColor
  • navTintColor
  • onTintColor
  • pageIndicatorColor
  • pagingControlColor
  • pullBackgroundColor
  • resultsBackgroundColor
  • resultsSeparatorColor
  • selectedBackgroundColor
  • selectedButtonColor
  • selectedColor
  • selectedSubtitleColor
  • selectedTextColor
  • separatorColor
  • shadowColor
  • statusBarBackgroundColor
  • subtitleColor
  • subtitleTextColor
  • tabsBackgroundColor
  • tabsBackgroundSelectedColor
  • thumbTintColor
  • tint
  • tintColor
  • titleAttributes
  • titleColor
  • titleTextColor
  • touchFeedbackColor
  • trackTintColor
  • viewShadowColor

Configurable properties

  • activeTab
  • backgroundLeftCap
  • backgroundPaddingBottom
  • backgroundPaddingLeft
  • backgroundPaddingRight
  • backgroundPaddingTop
  • backgroundTopCap
  • borderRadius
  • borderWidth
  • bottom
  • cacheSize
  • columnCount
  • contentHeight
  • contentWidth
  • countDownDuration
  • delay
  • duration
  • elevation
  • fontSize
  • height
  • horizontalMargin
  • indentionLevel
  • keyboardToolbarHeight
  • left
  • leftButtonPadding
  • leftTrackLeftCap
  • leftTrackTopCap
  • leftWidth
  • lineHeightMultiple
  • lines
  • lineSpacing
  • maxElevation
  • maximumLineHeight
  • maxLines
  • maxRowHeight
  • maxZoomScale
  • minimumFontSize
  • minimumLineHeight
  • minRowHeight
  • minZoomScale
  • opacity
  • padding
  • paddingBottom
  • paddingLeft
  • paddingRight
  • paddingTop
  • pageHeight
  • pageWidth
  • pagingControlAlpha
  • pagingControlHeight
  • pagingControlTimeout
  • paragraphSpacingAfter
  • paragraphSpacingBefore
  • repeat
  • repeatCount
  • right
  • rightButtonPadding
  • rightTrackLeftCap
  • rightTrackTopCap
  • rightWidth
  • rotate
  • rowCount
  • rowHeight
  • scale
  • scalesPageToFit
  • scaleX
  • scaleY
  • sectionHeaderTopPadding
  • separatorHeight
  • shadowRadius
  • shiftMode
  • timeout
  • top
  • uprightHeight
  • uprightWidth
  • verticalMargin
  • width
  • xOffset
  • yOffset
  • zIndex
  • zoomScale

Custom Rules & Ti Elements

  • Create your own custom rules and include ANY Ti Element with ANY number of attributes or conditional statements. See the Custom Rules section for more information.